Theatre Review: FAULTY TOWERS DINING EXPERIENCE – Hotel Brooklyn, Manchester

Faulty Towers The Dining Experience. Photo Credit: Jane Hobson

Full of hapless tricks and tomfoolery, FAULTY TOWERS DINING EXPERIENCE is the ultimate tribute to the classic comedy.

5 out of 5 stars

Bounding into Manchester’s Hotel Brooklyn in all its hilarious, slapstick glory is the FAULTY TOWERS DINING EXPERIENCE from Interactive Theatre. Based on the 1975 show Fawlty Towers written by John Cleese and Connie Booth, this experience is the ultimate tribute to classic comedy and the art of the farce.

Prepare to be greeted by the infamous Basil and Sybil Fawlty, played by Benedict Holme and Clare Buckingham respectively, as they invite you to be served by the hapless Manuel, played by Andrew Gruen.
Holme is the perfect Basil, with outstanding physical comedy and infectious energy. His performance as Cleese’s beloved character is equal parts recognisable and fresh, bringing his own take on the character with his cartoonish expressions and quick-witted improvisation, both of which are needed to fill the space of the dining room. Holme commands the room each time he enters it, with his booming voice and boundless energy.

His comedic chemistry with Gruen and Buckingham is second-to-none, with Gruen and Holme delivering some of the most convincing and hilarious slapstick comedy in live theatre. Considering they are amongst the audience for the majority of the show, the fact that they are able to make their comedy violence so convincing is a true credit to them as actors and their skilful performances. The actors and choreographers are bold in their choices, and it pays off tremendously.

Faulty Towers The Dining Experience. Photo Credit: Jane Hobson

Gruen is a fantastic Manuel, delivering an equal parts ridiculous and sympathetic performance. He has an exceptional repour with the audience, knowing exactly when to get them involved and when to reign it in. He is a truly unstoppable force in his performance, and covers every inch of the restaurant floor, leaving no table untouched by his chaotic and hysterical energy.

And who could forget our perfectly permed leading lady, Buckingham, as Sybil Fawlty. Buckingham is every bit the cutting and forthright hotel manager, going around tables and ensuring that everything is as it should be. She knows exactly how to interact with the audience, and her performance is as convincing as it is memorable.

Buckingham’s scenes with Holme are spectacular, with an incomparable comedic timing and the delightful way in which they play off one another, much to the glee of the audience. They are the classic angry wife and petrified husband, which although can feel a little old-fashioned nowadays, is done with the utmost skill and without feeling overbearing.

As an ensemble, the cast is utterly convincing in their performance and transports you from Hotel Brooklyn to Fawlty Towers itself – although the food is arguably tastier than anything the real Basil and Sybil would be serving! The actors are quick on their feet, particularly as the drinks start to flow and the audience get more confident in heckling their favourite characters. The cast doesn’t let a single opportunity go by for a clever gag or a famous catchphrase, and fully embody their characters in their bold and fearless performances.

Faulty Towers The Dining Experience. Photo Credit: Jane Hobson

The audience is safe in their capable hands, as whilst the experience is interactive, the actors manage to find the perfect balance of involving the audience without overwhelming them or making anyone uncomfortable. They sit at tables, ask questions, and occasionally get people up – but for the most part, you are watching incredibly skilled comedy actors showcase their outstanding talent while having a delicious meal.

The food is simply yet classic, served with a gag here and there, and every once in a while, Manuel clumsily delivering your food in between hilarious scenes. Whilst the service was chaotic to begin with, it fits well with the characters and the actors took it in their stride, bounding around the room shouting and gesturing to one another. To have them involved with the serving of the food is a fantastic touch, and soon made you forget about the wait.

Whether you’re a lifelong fan, have only seen a few episodes, or have absolutely no idea what any of this is all about, The FAULTY TOWERS DINING EXPERIENCE has something for you. The writing is clever in that it references the show but avoids shoe-horning in as many catchphrases as possible. It is a tribute, rather than a copy, and a delightful one at that. It’s impossible to keep the smile off your face, and you’ll find yourself wishing it didn’t have to come to an end by the time you get to dessert!

FAULTY TOWERS DINING EXPERIENCE runs at the Hotel Brooklyn, Manchester, until 12 March 2023