andrew lloyd webber tagged posts

Theatre Review: TELL ME ON A SUNDAY – The Lowry, Salford

Jodie Prenger in TELL ME ON A SUNDAY.

Jodie Prenger in TELL ME ON A SUNDAY. Photo Credit: Tristram Kenton

TELL ME ON A SUNDAY may be one of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s lesser-known musicals, yet this one-woman, one-act show still boasts plenty of charm.

3.5 out of 5 stars

Originally conceived for television, TELL ME ON A SUNDAY may be one of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s lesser-known musicals. Yet this one-woman, one-act show still boasts plenty of charm, as Jodie Prenger beautifully demonstrates in its latest UK tour. 

Set in the heady days of the 1980s, TEL...

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